Welcome to bioinfweb.info
This is a central site which provides an overview of all BioInfWeb projects. Currently this are a number of software projects developed by Ben Stöver and/or Kai Müller. Additionally a central site that defines the XML formats used by BioInfWeb projects is provided.
Latest News
2020-11-26: Version 3.4.0 of bioinfweb.commons.java released
A new version of our Java library bioinfweb.commons has been released. It consists of different modules to be used in bioinformatics or in a general purpose that are made available under GNU LGPL 3.2020-02-11: Software developed in our group presented at the WWU reproducible research workshop
We presented how our software components help to improve reproducibility of scientific workflows at a workshop organized by the WWU "Opening Reproducible Research" project (o2r) team.This press release provides an overview on the results of the workshop.
2019-07-22: Paper on JPhyloIO published
Our library for reading and writing of phylogenetic file formats through one event-based interface was published in BMC Bioinformatics.St√∂ver BC, Wiechers S, M√?ller KF: JPhyloIO: A Java library for event-based reading and writing of different phylogenetic file formats through a common interface. BMC Bioinformatics 2019, 20:401
2019-06-12: Version 1.0.0 of JPhyloIO released
A new version of our library for reading and writing of phylogenetic file formats through one event-based interface was released.The initial feature set is now complete and JPhyloIO is now available for public production use under the major version number 1.