PhyDE 2 - An alignment editor for phylogenetic purposes

Example screenshot of an alignment opened in PhyDE 2   [enlarge]

PhyDE 2 is a complete rewrite of the Phylogenetic Data Editor. The first version of PhyDE is in use since 2005 and PhyDE 2 is planned to fully replace it in the future. It does not yet offer all features of the precursor, but some new functionality, like support for additional alignment formats, is already available. For productive use, we currently still recommend to use the old version, but if you want to try out some of the features, feel free to download the latest version of PhyDE 2 from here.

Contact and feedback

If you need help on using PhyDE 2 or want to know more feel free to ask a question on its ResearchGate project page or contact You can find more software developed by the authors at


The application is based in the programming libraries LibrAlign and JPhyloIO that have recently been developed and provide the alignment-related GUI components and the support for the different phylogenetic file formats that can be read and written.


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