Available versions of Topological Tree Analyzer

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Version Since Modules
0.9.0-380 alpha 2021-12-08 23:00:00.0
  • Calculation of user expressions is now significantly faster.
  • Note that the current version does not support references to data anymore. (This feature may be readded later.)
0.8.2-355 alpha 2021-08-31 18:00:00.0
  • Bug fix: Multiple internal nodes that represent identical splits regarding the shared leaf set (and are not nested within each other) do not contribute more than once to the number of matches, non-matches or conflicts anymore. (Such nodes that are nested were already filtered before.) This solves the issue of normalized RF distances above 1.
0.8.1-351 alpha 2021-05-04 21:10:00.0
  • Bug fix: Check if internal nodes have two terminals on both sides is now performed correctly.
0.8.0-348 alpha 2021-04-27 21:15:00.0
  • Bug fix: Pairwise comparison is now fully performed again. (Bug was introduced in version 0.7.0.)
  • Bug fix: Parent nodes of leaves only present in one compared tree are not counted twice as matches or conflicts anymore.
0.7.0-343 alpha 2021-04-19 18:40:00.0
  • Bug fix: Terminals that are the first of two subnodes of the root are not deleted anymore before comparison.
0.6.0-337 alpha 2021-02-15 00:22:40.0
  • Bug fix: Tree filtering now uses specified user value as criterion again.
  • Tree and pair data files now use global tree indices to identify trees.
0.5.0-327 alpha 2021-01-30 00:01:05.0
  • Topological and user data is now stored in a local database. This significantly decreases the amount of required RAM when processing large datasets.
  • Note that this version does not support specifying a reference tree.
0.4.0-265 alpha 2020-12-02 11:26:00.0
  • Complete leaf list and leaf sets are now created prior to the topological analysis.
0.3.0-259 alpha 2020-11-26 16:20:00.0
  • Calculated topological data is now written to files during the analysis and can be reused in later analyses.
0.2.0-213 alpha 2020-10-08 11:30:00.0
  • Maximum RAM usage can now be defined instead of specifying the number of trees to be loaded at the same time (group size).
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