LibrAlign - A GUI library for displaying and editing multiple sequence alignments and attached data

LibrAlign is a Java library providing powerful GUI components for displaying and editing multiple sequence alignments. Data areas can be attached to sequences or whole alignments to display respective raw- and metadata.

Key features

  • Flexible and powerful GUI components for displaying one or a set of MSAs together
  • Data areas can be attached to each sequence or alignment. A set of predefined data areas is included and custom areas can easily be added using the API interfaces.
  • All GUI components are based on TIC and can therefore be used both in Swing and SWT (including Eclipse RCP) applications.
  • Reading and writing data and metadata from and to numerous alignment formats using JPhyloIO
  • Different extensible data model implementations, including compressed sequence storage to handle large datasets
  • Interoperability with BioJava

Getting started

Contact and feedback

If you have any question or feedback regarding LibrAlign feel free to contact Ben Stöver (

Software based on LibrAlign

Currently the following software uses LibrAlign components:

Future versions of the alignment editor PhyDE and tools for analyzing microstructural mutation patterns will also make use of LibrAlign.

Screenshot of the Taxonomic EDITor.
Figure 1  Screenshot of the Taxonomic EDITor. LibrAlign is used here to display and edit single read pherograms and their contig alignments.
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DFG logo

The development of LibrAlign was partly funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in this project.

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