Available versions of LibrAlign

Click on a version to see the available downloads.

First entry:    Number of entries:    alpha   beta   release candidate   release  
Version Since Modules
0.9.0-1032 alpha 2018-04-18 17:37:00.0 Complete (new) Core (new) Swing (from 0.5.0) SWT (from 0.6.0) IO (from 0.6.0) BioJava1 (from 0.4.0)
0.8.0-1025 beta 2018-02-26 15:25:00.0 Complete (new) Core (new) Swing (from 0.5.0) SWT (from 0.6.0) IO (from 0.6.0) BioJava1 (from 0.4.0)
0.7.0-1020 beta 2018-02-22 15:35:00.0 Complete (new) Core (new) Swing (from 0.5.0) SWT (from 0.6.0) IO (from 0.6.0) BioJava1 (from 0.4.0)
0.6.0-1011 beta 2018-02-13 12:15:00.0 Complete (new) Core (new) Swing (from 0.5.0) SWT (new) IO (new) BioJava1 (from 0.4.0)
0.5.0-879 beta 2017-09-29 19:15:00.0 Complete (new) Core (new) Swing (new) SWT (new) IO (from 0.4.0) BioJava1 (from 0.4.0)
0.4.0-747 alpha 2017-01-18 20:15:00.0 Complete (new) Core (new) Swing (new) SWT (new) IO (new) BioJava1 (new)
0.3.0-349 alpha 2015-01-12 16:13:00.0
  • Alpha release without separate modules.
0.2.0-230 alpha 2014-09-29 14:22:00.0
  • Alpha release without separate modules.
0.1.0-122 alpha 2014-07-02 12:23:00.0
  • Alpha release without separate modules.
0.0.0-48 alpha 2014-03-24 21:04:00.0
  • Alpha release without separate modules.
First entry:    Number of entries:    alpha   beta   release candidate   release  
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The development of LibrAlign was partly funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in this project.

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