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OneDimensionalSelection - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.selection
Manages the selection of columns or rows.
OneDimensionalSelection(SelectionModel, SelectionDimension) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.selection.OneDimensionalSelection
onSetLeftCutPosition(int, int) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramAreaModel
onSetLeftCutPosition(int, int) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramComponentModel
Hook method to be implemented in inherited classes and called from within PherogramComponentModel.setLeftCutPosition(int).
onSetRightCutPosition(int, int) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramAreaModel
onSetRightCutPosition(int, int) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramComponentModel
Hook method to be implemented in inherited classes and called from within PherogramComponentModel.setRightCutPosition(int).
OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.utils.indextranslation.IndexRelation
This value returned as an index indicates that the position specified to obtain lies outside the parts of the two sequences that are aligned with each other.
overwriteWithToken(T) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.actions.AlignmentActionProvider
Overwrites the currently selected token(s) in each selected sequence with the specified token.
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