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PackedAlignmentModel<T> - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.implementations
An alignment model using a PackedObjectArrayList as the underlying data source.
PackedAlignmentModel(TokenSet<T>, SequenceIDManager, boolean, int) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.implementations.PackedAlignmentModel
Creates a new instance of this class.
PackedAlignmentModel(TokenSet<T>, int) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.implementations.PackedAlignmentModel
Creates a new instance of this class using its own ID manager.
PackedAlignmentModel(TokenSet<T>, SequenceIDManager, boolean) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.implementations.PackedAlignmentModel
Creates a new instance of this class with the maximum number of different tokens that is equal to the number of tokens in the specified set.
PackedAlignmentModel(TokenSet<T>) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.implementations.PackedAlignmentModel
Creates a new instance of this class with the maximum number of different tokens that is equal to the number of tokens in the specified set.
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.AlignmentArea
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.content.AlignmentContentArea
Paints the contents (sequences and data areas) of an alignment, if this instance is set to use direct painting.
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.content.AlignmentSubArea
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.label.AlignmentLabelArea
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.label.DefaultLabelSubArea
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.label.SequenceLabelArea
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.label.TextLabelArea
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.charset.CharSetNameArea
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.multiplealignments.MultipleAlignmentsContainer
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.view.PherogramHeadingView
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.view.PherogramTraceCurveView
paint(TICPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.view.PherogramView
paintBaseCallIndices(Graphics2D, int, int, double, double, PherogramDistortion, double) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
paintBaseCallLines(Graphics2D, int, int, double, double, double, PherogramDistortion) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
paintBaseCalls(Graphics2D, int, int, double, double, PherogramDistortion) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
painterByColumn(int) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.paintsettings.TokenPainterList
Returns the according painter to the specified column index.
paintGaps(Graphics2D, int, int, double, double, double, PherogramDistortion, double) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
paintPart(AlignmentPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.content.AlignmentSubArea
Implementations of this method perform the painting of a part of the component.
paintPart(AlignmentPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.content.SequenceArea
paintPart(AlignmentPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.charset.CharSetArea
paintPart(AlignmentPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.ConsensusSequenceArea
paintPart(AlignmentPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.LabelDataArea
paintPart(AlignmentPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.pherogram.PherogramArea
paintPart(AlignmentPaintEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.sequenceindex.SequenceIndexArea
PaintSettings - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.paintsettings
Object that manages properties related to painting the contents of an AlignmentArea.
PaintSettings(AlignmentArea) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.paintsettings.PaintSettings
Creates a new instance of this class using default values for the properties.
PaintSettingsEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.paintsettings
Event object indicating a change in an instance of PaintSettings.
PaintSettingsEvent(PaintSettings) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.paintsettings.PaintSettingsEvent
Creates a new instance of this class.
PaintSettingsListener - Interface in info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.paintsettings
Listener interface to be implemented by classes that want to be informed on changes happening in an instance of PaintSettings.
paintText(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D, String, Color) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.tokenpainter.SingleColorTokenPainter
paintToken(AlignmentArea, String, int, Graphics2D, Rectangle2D, Color) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.tokenpainter.AbstractTokenPainter
Default implementation that delegates to #doPaintToken(AlignmentModel, Object, String, Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) and determines the string representation of the specified token from the token set of the specified alignment model.
paintToken(AlignmentArea, String, int, Graphics2D, Rectangle2D, Color) - Method in interface info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.tokenpainter.TokenPainter
Paints a representation of the specified token filling up the specified area.
paintTraceCurves(Graphics2D, int, int, double, double, PherogramDistortion, double) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
paintUnscaledBackground(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D, double) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
paintUnscaledBaseCallIndices(int, int, Graphics2D, double, double, double) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
paintUnscaledBaseCallLines(int, int, Graphics2D, double, double, double, double) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
paintUnscaledBaseCalls(int, int, Graphics2D, double, double, double) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
Paints the nucleotide characters of the base call sequence at the x-positions stored in the underlying pherogram model.
paintUnscaledTraceCurves(int, int, Graphics2D, double, double, double) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
Paints parts the four trace curves stored in the specified provider with a constant scale on x.
paintXByColumn(int) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.content.AlignmentContentArea
Returns the left most x-coordinate of the area the specified column is painted in relative to the component on which the sequences are painted.
paintYByRow(int) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.content.AlignmentContentArea
Returns the top most y-coordinate of the area the specified row is painted in relative to the component on which the sequences are painted.
parentIDByPartID(int, int) - Method in interface info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.concatenated.ConcatenatedAlignmentModel
Translates the sequence ID used in an underlying part model to the according sequence ID in this concatenated model.
parseValue(String) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.tokenset.continuous.AbstractContinuousSet
parseValue(String) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.tokenset.continuous.DoubleTokenSet
parseValue(String) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.tokenset.continuous.FloatTokenSet
partIDByParentID(int, int) - Method in interface info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.concatenated.ConcatenatedAlignmentModel
Translates the sequence ID used in this concatenated model to the according sequence ID in an underlying part model.
partModelByColumn(int) - Method in interface info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.concatenated.ConcatenatedAlignmentModel
Returns the part model currently responsible for providing the contents of the specified column.
partModelIndex(AlignmentModel<?>) - Method in interface info.bioinfweb.libralign.model.concatenated.ConcatenatedAlignmentModel
Returns the index of the specified part model in this concatenated alignment model.
PherogramAlignmentRelation - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model
A bean class storing the base call sequence position corresponding to editable sequence position or the other way around in an alignment between the base call sequence from Sanger sequencing and the corresponding editable sequence in an AlignmentArea.
PherogramAlignmentRelation(int, int, int, ListIterator<ShiftChange>) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramAlignmentRelation
PherogramArea - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.pherogram
A data area displaying a trace file resulting from Sanger sequencing.
PherogramArea(AlignmentContentArea, PherogramAreaModel) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.pherogram.PherogramArea
Creates a new instance of this class.
PherogramAreaModel - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model
The data area model of a PherogramArea containing the pherogram source, as well as cut positions, the column where the pherogram is attached to the editable sequence and pherogram distortion information.
PherogramAreaModel(PherogramProvider) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramAreaModel
Creates a new instance of this class.
PherogramAreaModel(PherogramComponentModel) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramAreaModel
Creates a new instance based on the specified pherogram component model instance.
PherogramComponent - Interface in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram
This interface should be implemented by all GUI classes displaying a pherogram (trace file from Sanger sequencing).
PherogramComponentModel - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model
The model used by all views displaying pherograms.
PherogramComponentModel(PherogramProvider) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramComponentModel
Creates a new instance of this class without any cut off pherogram ends.
PherogramComponentModel(PherogramComponentModel) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramComponentModel
Creates a copy from the specified instance.
PherogramComponentModel(PherogramProvider, int, int) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramComponentModel
Creates a new instance of this class.
PherogramComponentModelListener - Interface in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model
Interface to be implemented by all classes that need to be informed on changes in instances of PherogramComponentModel.
PherogramCutPositionChangeEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model
Event indicating that a cut position of an instance of PherogramComponentModel was changed.
PherogramCutPositionChangeEvent(PherogramComponentModel, boolean, int, int, PherogramAlignmentRelation, PherogramAlignmentRelation) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramCutPositionChangeEvent
Creates a new instance of this class.
PherogramDistortion - Interface in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.distortion
Classes to be used with PherogramPainter the define the distortion of the pherogram at each base call index should implement this interface.
PherogramFirstSeqPosChangeEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model
Event that indicates that PherogramAreaModel.getFirstSeqPos() was changed.
PherogramFirstSeqPosChangeEvent(PherogramComponentModel, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramFirstSeqPosChangeEvent
Creates a new instance of this class.
PherogramFormats - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram
Class that stores colors and fonts and settings used to display a pherogram from Sanger sequencing.
PherogramFormats(PherogramComponent) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramFormats
Creates a new instance of this class with default values.
PherogramFormats.QualityOutputType - Enum in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram
Enumeration that determines the way quality scores are displays in an
PherogramHeadingView - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.view
The GUI component that displays the heading information (base call sequence and the nucleotide index) above the trace curves of a pherogram from Sanger sequencing.
PherogramHeadingView(PherogramTraceCurveView) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.view.PherogramHeadingView
PherogramModelChangeEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model
All events indicating changes in an instance of PherogramComponentModel should be inherited from this class.
PherogramModelChangeEvent(PherogramComponentModel, boolean) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramModelChangeEvent
Creates a new instance of this class.
PherogramPainter - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram
Utility class used by GUI components that display a pherogram (e.g.
PherogramPainter(PherogramComponent) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramPainter
PherogramProvider - Interface in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.provider
Interface that should be implemented by all classes providing pherogram data.
pherogramProviderChange(PherogramProviderChangeEvent) - Method in interface info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramComponentModelListener
This method is called, if the pherogram provider of a pherogram component model was replaced or its contents changed.
PherogramProviderChangeEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model
Change event that indicates the the pherogram provider of an instance of PherogramComponentModel was replaced or its contents changed.
PherogramProviderChangeEvent(PherogramComponentModel, boolean, PherogramProvider, PherogramProvider, boolean) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.model.PherogramProviderChangeEvent
Creates a new instance of this class.
PherogramTraceCurveView - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.view
GUI component that allows displaying a pherogram (trace file from Sanger sequencing) which is not attached to a sequence in an AlignmentArea.
PherogramTraceCurveView() - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.view.PherogramTraceCurveView
PherogramUtils - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram
provides values for constants of PherogramProvider and general tool methods to deal with pherogram data.
PherogramUtils() - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.PherogramUtils
PherogramView - Class in info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.view
GUI component that displays a scrollable pherogram with undistorted trace curves, its base call sequence and nucleotide probabilities.
PherogramView() - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.view.PherogramView
Creates a new instance of this class.
PROBABILITY_LABELS - Static variable in interface info.bioinfweb.libralign.pherogram.provider.PherogramProvider
A list that allows to iterate over all probability labels.
processEvent(JPhyloIOEventReader, JPhyloIOEvent) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.charset.CharSetEventReader
processEvent(JPhyloIOEventReader, JPhyloIOEvent) - Method in class
processNextEvent() - Method in class
put(String, CharSet) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.dataarea.implementations.charset.CharSetDataModel
putAminoAcidColors() - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.tokenpainter.AminoAcidTokenPainter
putNucleotideColors(Map<String, Color>) - Static method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.tokenpainter.NucleotideTokenPainter
putTokenPainter(CharacterStateSetType, TokenPainter) - Method in class info.bioinfweb.libralign.alignmentarea.paintsettings.TokenPainterMap
Specifies a new painter for a certain token type.
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