- label - Variable in class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.formats.nexml.elementreader.AbstractNeXMLElementReader.LabeledIDEventInformation
- LABEL_CHAR_SET_ID - Static variable in interface info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.formats.mega.MEGAConstants
- LabeledEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events
- LabeledEvent(EventContentType, String) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.LabeledEvent
- LabeledIDEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events
Event that indicate data objects that carry an unique ID and a label.
- LabeledIDEvent(EventContentType, String, String) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.LabeledIDEvent
Creates a new instance of this class.
- LabeledIDEventInformation() - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.formats.nexml.elementreader.AbstractNeXMLElementReader.LabeledIDEventInformation
- LabelEditingReporter - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.utils
Data storage class that allows instances of
to give feedback to the application
on how labels of different elements (e.g.
- LabelEditingReporter() - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.utils.LabelEditingReporter
- LabelEditingReporter.LabelStatus - Enum in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.utils
Enumerates the possible cases of how the label associated with a data element was treated by an
instance of
- LENGTH_SEPERATOR - Static variable in interface info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.formats.newick.NewickConstants
- lineConsumed - Variable in class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.formats.text.AbstractTextEventReader
- LinkedIDEvent - Interface in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events
Interface to be implemented by event objects that can link previous events by their ID.
- LinkedLabeledIDEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events
Instances of this class model data elements with an ID and an optional label, that link another data
element in a phylogenetic document.
- LinkedLabeledIDEvent(EventContentType, String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.LinkedLabeledIDEvent
Creates a new instance of this class.
- LinkReader - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.formats.nexus.commandreaders.all
- LinkReader(NexusReaderStreamDataProvider) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.formats.nexus.commandreaders.all.LinkReader
- ListBasedDocumentDataAdapter - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.dataadapters.implementations
- ListBasedDocumentDataAdapter(ListOrderedMap<String, OTUListDataAdapter>, List<MatrixDataAdapter>, List<TreeNetworkGroupDataAdapter>) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.dataadapters.implementations.ListBasedDocumentDataAdapter
Creates a new instance of this class using the specified lists.
- ListBasedDocumentDataAdapter() - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.dataadapters.implementations.ListBasedDocumentDataAdapter
Creates a new instance of this class with empty array lists for all properties.
- listToString(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.objecttranslation.implementations.ListTranslator
- ListTranslator - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.objecttranslation.implementations
Reads and writes string representations of simple values as used in Newick or Nexus.
- ListTranslator() - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.objecttranslation.implementations.ListTranslator
- LiteralContentSequenceType - Enum in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.meta
- LiteralMetadataContentEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.meta
This event represents a value of a literal metadata and is therefore always nested inside start and end events of the type
- LiteralMetadataContentEvent(String, boolean) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.meta.LiteralMetadataContentEvent
Creates a new instance of this class.
- LiteralMetadataContentEvent(Object, String) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.meta.LiteralMetadataContentEvent
Creates a new instance of this class.
- LiteralMetadataContentEvent(XMLEvent, boolean) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.meta.LiteralMetadataContentEvent
Creates a new instance of this class wrapping an XMLEvent
- LiteralMetadataEvent - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.meta
Indicates that literal metadata is modeled at the current position of the document (event stream).
- LiteralMetadataEvent(String, String, URIOrStringIdentifier, LiteralContentSequenceType) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.meta.LiteralMetadataEvent
- LiteralMetadataEvent(String, String, URIOrStringIdentifier, URIOrStringIdentifier, LiteralContentSequenceType) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.meta.LiteralMetadataEvent
- LiteralMetadataEvent(String, String, URIOrStringIdentifier, String, URIOrStringIdentifier, LiteralContentSequenceType) - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.events.meta.LiteralMetadataEvent
- logIngnoredOTULists(DocumentDataAdapter, ApplicationLogger, ReadWriteParameterMap, String, String) - Static method in class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.AbstractEventWriter
Outputs a warning message, if the specified document data adapter provides one or more OTU lists.
- LongTranslator - Class in info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.objecttranslation.implementations
An object translator from and to Long
- LongTranslator() - Constructor for class info.bioinfweb.jphyloio.objecttranslation.implementations.LongTranslator